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Friday, September 11, 2009

Information to Bhutanese in Arizona

From: seecharran50014
Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 7:49 AM
Subject: [bharatiyaektamandir] Your participation needed. Urgent
To:All bhutanese of Arizona

Ekta Mandir Religious and Cultural Committee are planning to train children to present Ramleela Play for the Navaratri celebrations. Please send your children's name, age boy /girl, our priest Arun Sharma ji before this Saturday and if possible bring them around 11.30 AM at theEkta mandir where they will be assigned a role and instructions about their costume and presentation.
We are also enrolling adults male and female for our temple Choir. We need over 60 people to participate. Six good singers selected will get to lead the group with a mike and others would sing along. We can send you the script for the songs. If you come with some digital recorder, you may record the songs for your practice at home. Please come to the temple this Saturday at 11.30 AM .
The Choir will consist of 50 or 60 singers singing assigned lines lead by lead singers lastingfor 20 minutes. Please invite your friends also to join and make it a great powerful choir!
Ekta Mandir

If you are interestedin helping during the Navrathri celebrations, please reply to this group

Arun Sharma M.I.I.N.T., N.D.
Director (IMANAH)
International Institute of Mahayoga & Natural Hygiene Tel: (480)659-4645

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

समाजसेवी के बि खड्काको अन्त्यस्टी

हामीलाई ढिलो गरी प्राप्त समचार अनुसार हिजो हतियारधारी अज्ञात समुहले कायरतापुर्बक छुरा प्रहार गरी हत्या गरिएका भुटानि समाजसेवी तथा अगुवा के बि खड्काको अन्त्यस्टी गरिएको छ । उनको दाहसन्स्कारमा उल्लेख्निय भुटानि तथा स्थानिय नेपालीहरुको उपस्थिती थियो। पोस्टमार्टमको लागि मंगलबारे लगिएको उनको शब डाक्टरहरुको अभाबले फेरी भद्रपुर लगेर पोस्ट्मर्टम साझ गरी घर ल्याइएको थियो। उनको दाहसन्स्कार नेपाली समय अनुसार साझ छ बजे स्थानीय रतुवा खोलामा नेपाल तथा भूटानका विभिन्न मानवअधिकारवादी संस्थाका प्रतिनिधि, स्वदेश फिर्ती सम्वन्धि सघं-सस्थाका अगुवाहरू, नागरिक समाज लगायत शरणार्थी शैक्षिक संस्था कारितासका प्रमुखहरु साथै असन्ख्य रुपमा उपस्थित भुटानिहरु बिच गरियो।
उता घटना स्थलमा फेला परेका टोर्च लाईट,फलामे रड,केही कपडाले भरिएको एउटा ब्यागलगायतका सामानहरुलाई लिएर स्थानिय प्रहरीले ब्यापक रुपमा खोजतलास गरिरहेको छ तर यती बेला सम्म प्रहरीले कोहीकसैलाई पनि गिरफ्तार गरेको छैन भने कुनै भुटानि भूमिगत पार्टीहरुले यस पाशबिक तरिकाले गरिएको हत्यको जिम्मा लिएका छैनन। प्रहरीले घटनास्थलका प्रत्यक्षदर्शी उनकै भान्जासँग गरेको कुरकानीका आधारमा हत्यारा दुई जना रहेको निर्कोल निकालेको छ।
यसै बिच बिभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरुले शोकाकुल परिवार प्रती सहानुभुती प्रकट गर्ने क्रम जारी नै छ। समबेदना प्रकट गर्न आएका कारीतास नेपालका फादर वर्गीले यस खाले निन्दनिय कृयाकलापले कसैको पनि भलो नगर्ने बताउनु भयो। यसै गरी भुटान कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीले यो निन्दनिय घटनाको घोर भर्सना गर्दै प्रेस बिज्ञाप्ती निकालेको दमकबाट सन्चालित तितोपिरोले लेखेको छ।
स्मरण रहोस् मिति २००९ अप्रैल २२ सांझ शान्तिराम नेपालको आफ्नै निवास बाहिर हत्या गरिएको थियो तर पछी भुटानि लेभुलेन्सरी फन्टले त्यसको जिम्मा लिदै सिबिर भित्र पर्चा छरेको थियो। यस किसिमका निन्दनिय घटनाहरुको सम्पूर्ण भुटानिहरुले घोर बिरोध गर्नु पर्छ।


Bhutanese children dancing in Arizona

Bhutanese refugee from Nepal celebrated their cultural programe on July 26, 2009. Bhutanese youth, clildern perforn dance and make americans to dance with them. They showed that how they got chased from there country Bhutan. Also they make nepali food and showed nepali dress etc to american in one of the famous church of Arizona which is called as Trinity Bible Church (TBC).

यसरी भयो के. बि. खड्काको हत्या (This is how Khadka was murdered)

The witnesses of the incident explain to Apfanews how K. B. Khadka was killed this evening at Beldangi II.
Khadka and his nephew Damber Karki were on bike travelling to Beldangi II Extension from Damak. Two youths in red clothes suddenly appeared on the road at Bhalukhudi Chowk (some 100m south of Tri Ratna Secondary Schoo), adjacent to the forest that separates Beldangi I and II camps, with iron roads in hand.
These youths used the iron rod to stop the bike. When Khadka stopped the bike, they drew up a knife. Feared nephew Karki ran away to call police while the two hooligans,who seemed 18-20 years old , knifed Khadka just below the chest.
Khadka died on the spot. The miscreants then hurriedly rushed towards the jungle, whom no one dared to follow. By the time police arrived on the spot, Khadka was already dead.
Police recovered a bag with iron rods, a towel and other daily usable goods from the incident site while search operation for the murderer has been initiated. Since Karki was unconscious by the time this report was filed, no details about the attackers have been revealed.
The dead body has been taken to AMDA hospital in Kharkhare, Damak for post-mortem.

Source: APFA News